How To Choose Your Weights At IBX Fitness?

At IBX Fitness our 50 minute workout will challenge you in both of our 2 Weighted components: Iron Flow & Strength. If you're member you already know! If you're not a member we've got you covered for a combined low and high intensity interval training class that will leave you feeling stronger than yesterday.

Our equipment list is small and ready for repetition 6 days out of the week. We use Torpedos (kettlebell, barbell, dumbbell hybrid weight) Slam Balls & Resistance Bands. Continue reading to learn 2 tips that will support you in choosing weights at IBX.

The Last Few Reps Should Always Be Challenging

If you finish all your reps easily and feel like you could’ve done an extra set, the weight is too light. What you really want is to feel challenged by the resistance during those last few reps. If you could have done one or two more reps, that's the place you want to be at. If you are struggling to maintain proper form or can’t finish your set of movements, then the weight is too heavy.

It's always better to start light and gradually increase the resistance until it feels challenging. It will take some trial and error to find the resistance that feels best for you. With a weight that’s too heavy, you risk injury or using other muscles to compensate. For example, if you’re using weights that are too heavy during an Overhead (OH) Press it may over arch your back throwing your form out of whack.

The Movement You're Doing Will Determine The Weight

The resistance you use should correspond to the strength of the muscles you’re working. For example, your glutes are more powerful than your shoulders, so you’ll want a heavier weight for glute bridges than you will for high pulls.

If you’re doing a multi-joint movement such as a sumo squat, you can typically use a heavier weight compared with a more isolated exercise, especially one that targets a smaller muscle group such as the triceps kickback. This is because the load is distributed across multiple muscles and joints versus staying isolated at one joint.

The good news is that at IBX Fitness there are only 14 spots per 1 class and everyone arrives early to class to make sure they have the weights that are best for that workout. Even when you are in the middle of the class you are able to walk over and grab another weight size of your choice or ask the coach to grab you another size.

If you have questions about what weight size you should be at, never hesitate to ask you coach before class, during class or after class. We are here to support you into meeting your goals as safely as possible.

Are you ready to try out IBX Fitness? Your first 3 Classes are Only $1.


Working Out In Your Apartment


Working Out In Your Apartment