3 Reasons Your Wearable Isn't Accurate For Strength Training

Fitness wearables have become increasingly popular over the years as a tool to track calories burned during workouts. However, when it comes to tracking calories burned during strength training workouts, fitness wearables are often inaccurate. Here're a few reasons why:

#1: Muscle Mass Isn't Taken Into Account

Strength training workouts are designed to build muscle, which in turn burns more calories at rest.

However, fitness wearables do not take into account the amount of muscle mass an individual has.

Therefore, the calorie burn tracked on the wearable may not accurately reflect the individual's actual calorie burn.

#2: Heart Rate Isn't A Reliable Indicator During Strength Training

Fitness wearables typically use heart rate as a measure of calorie burn.

However, heart rate is not a reliable indicator of calorie burn during strength training because strength training is not a steady-state activity like cardio.

Instead, strength training involves short bursts of high-intensity exercise followed by periods of rest, which can cause fluctuations in heart rate and make it difficult to accurately measure calorie burn.

#3: Workout Intensity Isn't  Accounted For

Fitness wearables do not take into account the intensity of the workout. For example, a beginner who is lifting light weights may burn fewer calories than an experienced lifter who is lifting heavier weights at a higher intensity.

However, a fitness wearable may report the same calorie burn for both individuals, which is not an accurate reflection of their actual calorie burn.

What Wearable Should I Get?

While fitness wearables can be a useful tool for tracking other aspects of fitness, they're not accurate for measuring calorie burn during strength training workouts.

To accurately measure calorie burn during strength training, it's best to work with a certified personal trainer or use a specialized device that takes into account muscle mass and the intensity of the workout.

Luckily at IBX, we know your workout is about more than just calories burned: we work with you to steadily progress you in weights so that you see and feel the increases in strength and endurance while working with us!

Haven't tried us out yet? No better time than now to start! First 3 classes are just $1!


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Working Out In Your Apartment